Daily Devotional

Look for the Positive

The law of attraction is not a fad; it is a fact! You will attract whatever it is that you are looking for! Have you ever noticed that whenever you concentrate on the faults of others, everything they do during that period tend to be flawed, no matter how gracious their intentions may seem? It is not them; it’s you! Whatever you are looking for in life, you will find it! So why not spend your time and energy looking for the positive in each day? Even the bible says in Proverbs 11:27 – If you search for good, you will find favor; but if you search for evil, it will find you.

Image credit: lovethispic.com

Every single day is a result of what we search for. If you search for a million reasons to complain about your life, your job, your spouse, your family, etc.  Believe me, you will find a BILLION reasons. Look for the positive in your day; Look for the positive in your life! Let everyday begin with gratitude, and let it end with gratitude. Even the dark days have their silver linings. You just need to be willing to seek it out!